Northwest Softball (“NWS”) Code of Conduct
All players, coaches, volunteers, parents/guardians, and spectators are required to abide by the NWS Code of Conduct. Any behavior, action, or language determined to be a violation of the Code of Conduct can result in penalties, including but not limited to, a warning, ejection, suspension, and/or expulsion.
- Zero tolerance policies are in effect at every NWS event including practice at any NWS facility or associated facility, home and away games, and All-Stars.
- Any player, coach, volunteer, or spectator ejected from a game by either an umpire or NWS representative must leave the facility immediately and is not allowed to participate or be present at any NWS game, practice or event for the remainder of the day, for the remainder of the day, or longer, based on board discretion. A person may be ejected for unacceptable behavior, actions, language not in compliance with the NWS Code of Conduct. The ejected player, coach, and/or spectator may appeal to the NWS Board pursuant to this Code of Conduct.
- In accordance with Pony rules, players must make every attempt to avoid collision on (and off) the field of play. Any contact deemed unnecessary, intentional, and/or harmful may result in a warning, ejection, suspension, or expulsion.
- Consumption of alcohol or drugs is prohibited at all NWS events, facilities, or associated facilities at all times.
- Smoking, vaping, and tobacco use is prohibited at all NWS events, facilities, and associated facilities at all times.
- NWS expects players, coaches, volunteers, parents, and spectators to only cheer positive encouragement for their and opposing players, coaches, volunteers, and spectators.
- Profane language during any NWS event is unacceptable.
- Harassing or name calling of any umpire, player, coach, volunteer, or spectator of either team, including on social media, is not acceptable and will not be tolerated
- Cooperation with official team and league representatives at any league event is to be expected of every parent and spectator.
- Parents/guardians and spectators will support and abide by the league and coaches’ rules.
- Failure of the opposing team and/or spectators to comply with the NWS Code of Conduct does not permit you to break these rules or to follow suit in unacceptable behavior. Please remember we are examples for our players and other young people spectating.
- Players, Coaches, Volunteers, Parents/guardians, and spectators are expected to exhibit and support good sportsmanship at all times.
Coaches are expected to uphold and demonstrate the values of NWS, including but not limited to the Code of Conduct and below. The Coach's primary role is to teach ALL players assigned to his/her team the fundamental skills of softball in a fun, constructive, and safe manner.
Coaches shall remain unconditionally supportive of NWS’s commitment to the ideals of a positive and fun atmosphere, good sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for everyone. Skill development is a priority and winning "at all costs" is not an acceptable attitude.
Coaches agree to follow these principles:
- Coaches will teach the game of softball to the best of their ability and will continually work to improve their own understanding of the skills of the game and how to teach those skills.
- Coaches will be positive role models and will provide a positive experience for the players and for the parents.
- Coaches will display and teach their players the principles of good sportsmanship, respect and team play whether the team is winning or losing
- Coaches will provide organized team practices each week that will provide for the development of both team and individual skills and will make full effort to provide practices that are both fun and challenging for the players.
- Coaches will not ridicule or demean their or opposing players, coaches, volunteers, umpires, or league officials.
- Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players, parents, and spectators during games.
- Coaches will treat all players, coaches, volunteers, parents, spectators and league officials with respect.
- Coaches will not tolerate behavior that endangers the health or well-being of a child.
- Coaches will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies, and procedures as established or endorsed by NWS.
- Coaches will be drug and alcohol free while at any NWS practice or game.
- Coaches will not use any tobacco or vaping products at NWS or associated facilities and during NWS events.
Consequences for Violations of the Code of Conduct:
All players, coaches, volunteers, parents/guardians, and spectators of NWS may be subject to disciplinary measures for failure to abide by the Code of Conduct as determined by the Board of Directors. All participants agree to abide by these rules as part of their registration in the program. It is the responsibility of all members to be familiar with the guidelines set forth in the Code of Conduct.
As a player, coach, parent/guardian/spectator, I agree that if I fail to abide by the rules and guidelines, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include, but is not limited to the following:
NWS’s disciplinary policy establishes the range of discipline to be used for any/all violations of the NWS Code of Conduct. This disciplinary policy applies to coaches, volunteers, parents/guardians, and spectators/fans.
Strike 1 – In the event of a first violation, a penalty can be imposed based upon the severity of the infraction, ranging from, but not limited to:
- Warning;
- Game(s) suspension (which includes all other NWS activities during the period, including practices/events); and/or
- Expulsion
Strike 2 – In the event of a second violation, a penalty to be imposed based upon the severity of the infraction, ranging from, but not limited to:
- Game(s) suspension (which includes all other NWS activities during the period, including practices/events); and/or
- Expulsion
Strike 3 – In the event of a third violation, a penalty to be imposed based upon the severity of the infraction, ranging from, but not limited to:
PLEASE NOTE: Expulsion is an option, even after the first violation, depending on the severity of the violation. Also, any suspended person is not allowed to be present at any team or league event or function, including practices and games. This includes being present at the NWS fields, including in the dugout or any spectator areas (bleachers, outfield, etc.).
An alleged violation of this Code of Conduct may be submitted to the NWS Board in writing by email to If the NWS Board receives a complaint about an alleged violation of this Code of Conduct, it will conduct an investigation that includes speaking with the person alleged to have violated this Code of Conduct and any others involved. Upon concluding its investigation, the NWS Board shall meet to discuss the matter and vote on the appropriate disciplinary measure to be assessed, if any. A decision to discipline a player, coach, or other individual shall require the vote of a majority of the NWS Board. Any disciplinary action that results in removal from the league for the remainder of the season or an expulsion from the league must be approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Board of Directors. In the event the complaint is against one or more members of the Board of Directors, they will not be allowed to deliberate or vote in the board proceedings.
After the NWS Board vote, the NWS President, or another member of the NWS Board, shall contact the person of any decision made by the NWS Board. Within ten days of making its decision, a person subjected to discipline may submit a written request to the NWS Board to appeal the decision or severity of the disciplinary measure by email to The NWS Board may reconsider its decision at its sole discretion.