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2/19/2025 11:40 AM
NWS Weekly Hits - Opening Day Schedule & New Merch | Northwest Softball


This is a communication from Northwest Softball:

The Hits
There’s nothing like starting the season with a chilly Arctic Blast. Practices for tonight (2/19) are canceled and we’re keeping an eye on the rest of the week. Your coach will update you about any make-up practices.

Keep up with field closures on Instagram, Facebook, and the Northwest Softball homepage. Coach communication is still the best way to stay updated on changes or cancellations.

Opening Day Game Schedule (March 1)

Opening Day is Saturday, March 1! The full season schedule will be posted on TeamSideline soon, but here’s our Opening Day lineup:

Northwest Field 6

  • 9:00 a.m.: 6U Moore vs. 6U Belisle
  • 10:15 a.m.: 8U Dreibelbis vs. 8U Ross
  • 11:30 a.m.: 8U Ross vs. 8U Bradley
  • 12:45 p.m.: 8U Bradley vs. 8U Papavasiliou
  • 2:00 p.m.: 12U Lay vs. 12U Gross
  • 3:30 p.m.: 14U Diaz vs. 14U Cross

North Austin Optimist (NAO)

  • 9:00 a.m.: 10U Cross vs. 10U Bradley
  •  10:30 a.m.: 10U Wilson vs. 10U Wyrick
  •  12:00 p.m.: 10U Norton vs. 10U McBride

Volunteer Opportunity: Opening Day Photographers

With our new jerseys debuting this season, we’re looking to refresh our photo gallery for the website and social media. If you’re a parent, relative, or high-school sibling with a knack for sports photography, we’d love your help snapping shots on Opening Day and throughout the season.

Want to help? Email The more age groups and fields we cover, the better!

Get Your New NWS Merch!

Show off your league pride with our new merch! Hats, shirts, hoodies, stickers, and more are available in the NWS Merch Store. Proceeds help support our growing league. Local pickup only: Purchasers will be emailed pickup info once items are ready.

Download the TeamSideline App
We will be utilizing the TeamSideline app for team communications. Coaches will set up a Team Site to send communications, update schedules, and take attendance for practices and games. It’s the best way to stay informed and communicate with other team parents. 

Download the Team Site App from the App Store.  

Download the Team Site App from the Google Play Store.

Sponsor of the Week
Eldorado Cafe

Eldorado Cafe is the answer to your stress-filled days. A warm hug for your taste buds. Eldorado Cafe offers delicious margaritas and some of the most scrumptious Mexican comfort food you will find in Austin. Known for its eclectic interior and friendly staff, Eldorado Cafe has settled in as a family and locally-owned favorite. Whether it is enchiladas filled with mashed potatoes, a perfectly balanced plate of nachos or a unique twist on a classic Austin favorite, Joel Fried ⁸infuses love into all his recipes and regularly pays homage to Austin's historically memorable cafes and bars. Check us out or find us @eldoradocafeatx.  Located off Anderson Lane and Shoal Creek.


Important Dates

March 1: Opening Day

March 15 & 22: No games

March 25: Team & Individual Pictures
April 4: NWS Night at Anderson vs. McCallum Softball
May 10: Closing Day


Follow us on Instagram @nwsoftball_atx
Find us on Facebook @NWSoftball

To go to Northwest Softball now, click here.